“Here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come” (Hebrews 13:14). In Lent and Easter we invite worshipers to the eternal truths that guide our pilgrimage toward eternity. The short First Epistle of Peter, only 105 verses, is rich with guidance and encouragement for living in a post-church and increasingly secular society.
Concordia Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer guides us through 1 Peter with this Lenten sermon series that provides textual notes, full sermons, and orders of worship for the Wednesdays in Lent, as well as worship sermon suggestions for the Sundays in Lent based on Series B in the three-year lectionary.
Anyone attending the Seminary’s Pre-Lenten Workshop led by Meyer Jan. 16, 2015, will already receive “Calling Us Home” as part of the registration.