Who Is Jesus?
An Advent/Christmas Sermon Series on the Gospel of Matthew 1:1-17
Since the dawn of time, about 60 billion people have walked on Planet Earth. Of those 60 billion people, only a handful have made any real, lasting impression. In that handful of people, one stands far above all of the others. His name is Jesus.
In this sermon series for Advent and Christmas, noted preacher and biblical scholar R. Reed Lessing explores the answer to the question “Who is Jesus?” by focusing on the genealogy of Mary’s son as it is given to us in the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew 1:1-17.
The PDF includes full manuscripts for the four weeks of Advent and Christmas, as well as full liturgies suitable for midweek or Sunday worship. Rev. Dr. R. Reed Lessing currently serves as the senior pastor of St. Michael Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana, and is the author of numerous books and articles, including several biblical commentaries. He previously served as professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
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